Anglican Benedictine Nuns
Latest News
- Festal reflections - updated 3rd February 2025
- The Story of the Malling Abbey Christmas Crib Figures
- Sermon preached by Mother Anne in Rochester Cathedral at the farewell service for Archdeacon Andy Wooding Jones on 14th September 2024
- Following the Way of St Benedict in a Time of Crisis - A talk given by Mother Anne at St Augustine’s College Induction Day 14th September 2024
- News Archive
Welcome to the Community

We are a community of women who have been drawn to respond to God's love by living a life of prayer, work, study and hospitality based on the Rule of St. Benedict. In our corporate worship we pray in fellowship with the whole church; in times of solitude and silence each sister responds in her own way to the call to 'Pray constantly'. Through simplicity of lifestyle we express our reverence for God's creation, and our concern and responsibility for the future.
We have residential accommodation for people seeking a silent space for prayer, reflection and rest. We also welcome enquiries from women who feel drawn to the Benedictine way of life and wish to live as an alongsider within our community. For some, this may be part of a journey exploring a life commitment as a nun.
In our short documentary, Horarium (Directed by Jamie Hughes), we talk about our calling and the joys and challenges of our life:
Other films:
- The Blessing and Installation of Sr Anne Clarke OSB as Abbess of St Mary's Abbey extracted from a film of the full Eucharistic liturgy on 4th November 2020.
- The Eucharist at Malling Abbey, Sunday 22nd March 2020 recorded by St. Augustine's College for their students and any others who would like to share with us
- Vespers recorded on Tuesday 24th July 2018
We host concerts in the Abbey Church as part of the Music@Malling Festival each September. Please visit their website for details.
Heritage Open Days
We run tours of the Abbey for the general public as part of Heritage Open Days in September each year. Details are available on the Heritage Open Days website.